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Posts Tagged: spring boot

Mapping YAML to Configuration classes in Spring Boot

Spring Boot provides an elegant way to bind YAML configurations directly to Java classes using the `@ConfigurationProperties` annotation. This tutorial will walk you through the basics and show you how to map a nested YAML structure to a configuration class...

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Testing Preauthorize Annotation in Spring Boot

Preauthorize annotation can be use to enforce access control in Spring Boot applications. It's part of Spring Security that allows you to specify access control expression for methods. These expressions are evaluated before method execution, determining whether the current user has the authority to invoke the method...

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Handling Multiple Beans of the Same Type in Spring with Qualifier

In Spring application, it's common to have multiple beans of the same type. However, this can lead to issues when Spring tries to autowire these beans, as it doesn't know which bean to inject. This problem can be resolved using Qualifier annotation...

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